Friday, June 18, 2010

The Truth About Oil | Real Simple

Hello all!
I was just sitting down on the....ahem, COUCH, reading a magazine the other day and came across a fascinating article that I just had to pass along to all of y'all.
It's out of Real Simple magazine, and it's about your skin and the oil(s) it needs. Even my "slick chicks" can benefit from the right kind of oil! And I tell ya, I know I was ready to bathe myself in a FryDaddy of Crisco in the winter time if it would take away my dry, itchy skin. I found all of this so interesting that I thought I would share this with you. I also love that the article is broken up into skin type, so you can skip what you're not interested in reading and cut right to the chase and read the parts that apply to you and your skin. Let me know what you think!

The Truth About Oil | Real Simple