Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beauty Tips..not what you're thinking....

So...yeah...just like the rest of you, I am a big fan of reading cool, new beauty tricks and tips in books and magazines. And I ESPECIALLY love it when they actually work! So, trust me, I will pass them on to you when I find great ones. However, sometimes I come across some that just give me the heebie-jeebies, seriously. I would never quote the artist who gave this tip, because that's just unlady-like. If they made makeup artists pass a test like they made lawyers pass the bar exam...let's just say some of these artists would be losing their brushes for good. And some of these, I won't even TRY, so don't ask me if I did-if you know me at all you'll know if I did or if I didn't, ya dig? (Note: Not all of these pertain to makeup-some deal with hair and skincare, but who cares? They're funny.)


1. "Thin out clumpy mascara by adding a drop of Coca-Cola to it-the syrup adds just enough moisture without making it watery."

Seriously, people? Can we say, "Con-junc-tiv-itis"-aka: pink eye? You think your eye is a little sticky when you put your mascara ON that day? Wait about 24 hours...And what about contact lens wearers?!
Also, how much does mascara cost, really? I mean, if you're really hard-up with the economy and all and you MUST have new mascara, they sell it at the dollar store. better than a prescription, right? NEXT!

2. "Add two sugar packets to a 20-ounce bottle of water to create a natural volumizing spray (for hair)"
...and a hive of yellow jackets! Are you kidding me?! This is the type of hair product Marie Antoinette used to use back in the day-no joke. When she passed away guillotine-style (so classy, right?) they found all sorts of dead insects in her hair because of this kind of "hair product"!

3. "Toilet seat covers make perfect blotting papers. The thin tissue absorbs oil like a sponge."
I swear I'm not making this up. Eww. I can't even comment anymore on this. Eww.

I would love to hear about some of the tips you have read or heard of...good, bad, and ugly!

1 Peter 3:3-4




  1. I have used EVOO (just had to throw in that Rachael Ray!) as eye make-up remover for years and love how it removes all traces of my mascara. I feel like it conditions my lashes, too. Try not to be too harsh with me!

  2. Lori-
    No! Kudos to you! Olive oil is great for the skin-if your skin/eyes can handle it-which obviously it/they can. I use it in the winter mixed with sugar all over my body as an exfoliating scrub. My skin feels amazing afterwards, but watch out, your bathtub will be slick as snot after!!! Great tip!
